Mission of NHUAA

New Hampshire Union Accountability Advocates (NHUAA) is a dedicated group of union members and supporters committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and democratic principles within union leadership. We believe that fostering a culture of openness and responsibility within unions is essential to ensuring that the needs and concerns of all members are addressed effectively.

As proud members of the Teamsters union, we understand the importance of strong, fair, and transparent leadership in advocating for workers' rights and improving working conditions. Our mission is to support and advocate for fair and transparent union elections, provide resources and education to union members, and encourage active participation in union activities and decision-making processes.

At NHUAA, we focus on several key areas:

  • Transparency in Elections: We advocate for clear and open election processes within all unions, ensuring that all candidates have equal access to campaign resources and that election results and financial reports are fully disclosed.
  • Accountability of Leadership: We implement regular performance reviews of union leadership, establish robust mechanisms for members to voice concerns and provide feedback, and advocate for term limits to prevent entrenchment in leadership positions.
  • Member Engagement and Involvement: We encourage active participation in union activities and decision-making processes, provide education and resources to highlight the importance of union involvement, and organize forums and town hall meetings to discuss member concerns.
  • Fair Representation: We ensure diverse representation in leadership positions, advocate for policies that address the diverse needs of union members, and promote inclusivity and equity within the union structure.
  • Support for Challengers: We provide resources and support for candidates challenging current administrations, facilitate training and development programs for potential leaders, and promote a culture of healthy competition and democratic participation within unions.
  • Advocacy and Outreach: We build alliances with other unions and labor organizations, engage in community outreach to build support for union activities, and advocate for labor-friendly policies at the state and local levels.

By working together, we can create a union environment that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of its members. Join us in our mission to ensure that union leadership is held to the highest standards of integrity and fairness.