Local 633 Officially Nominates Candidates for Upcoming Union Election

By JP Dustin | September 4, 2024

Nomination Meeting at Teamsters Local 633
Members of Teamsters Local 633 met to nominate candidates for the next 3-year term.

On September 1, 2024, Teamsters Local 633 held its official nomination meeting, where members gathered to select candidates for the upcoming union election. Despite the meeting being scheduled on Labor Day weekend, the event at Local 633 headquarters drew a solid turnout from the membership, eager to participate in this critical democratic process.

The meeting revealed a striking divide between supporters of the Members First Slate, clad in black t-shirts with their logo, and supporters of the Power Slate, wearing blue and gold. Secretary-Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro opened the meeting, emphasizing the election’s significance, followed by Scott Gove, Recording Secretary, who explained the bylaws related to the nomination process.

During the nomination process, a surprise occurred with the Power Slate's candidate for vice president. Bob Browne, initially expected for the VP role, was replaced by Bob Stanley due to Browne's ineligibility following a missed dues payment. This change was later acknowledged on the Power Slate's Facebook page, showing transparency.

Both the Members First and Power Slates expressed their dedication to the union's future during the meeting. While the Members First Slate emphasized continuity and experience, the Power Slate focused on advocacy and transparency.

As ballots are mailed out starting September 23, 2024, and due by October 17, 2024, all members are encouraged to vote and make their voices heard. Below is the official list of nominated candidates:

Position Members First Slate Power Slate
Secretary-Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro Matthew Lortie
President Jeff Parkinson James Marchand
Vice President James Petrillo Robert Stanley
Recording Secretary Scott Gove Jeffrey Moore
Business Agent Richard Laughton Anthony Dionne
Business Agent Keith Judge Tim Merrill
Business Agent William Cahill, Jr. Steven Gaines
Trustee Donna LeMay Cristian Ionescu
Trustee Alyssa Croteau Rick Montgomery
Trustee Ryan Smith Nate LaFleur

Members are urged to learn about each slate by visiting the Members First Slate website or the Power Slate website.

Both slates were asked for official comments on this story but have yet to respond. If provided, this article will be updated accordingly.

Disclosure: As part of NHUAA's mission to promote transparency and accountability, JP designed, built, and hosts the Power Slate website. This does not align NHUAA with any specific party.